The Mystery of Growth

Springtime Reflections on God's Work

He is risen! He is risen, indeed. Happy Easter to you all.

Spring in North America is a time for planting seeds and seeing new shoots emerge from the ground. I don’t have my own garden or much of a green thumb, but I am very proud that I’ve managed to keep my fiddle-leaf fig tree alive (so far). 

Lately, Jesus’ parable about planting seeds has been on my mind:

He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come. - Mark 4: 26-29, NIV

I’ve been reflecting on the seed’s growth and how God does most of the work. 

In my new-ish role with Revoice, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting up with many LGBT/ SSA folks in the Greater Los Angeles region. Many people have shared their stories with me, and I’m beginning to grasp how diverse our community is. 

On one hand, some people are afraid of engaging with their sexuality, fearful of what they might discover. We need to hold these folks with patience. We cannot (and should not) rush them along. These people remind me of the “seeds” in the passage that are just beginning to sprout. 

On the other hand, some people are brand new to our community, and it’s undeniable how God has been at work in their lives for months (or years!). Unbeknownst to us, God is speaking to His people - including those in same-sex relationships - and convicting them of the traditional sexual ethic. Much like the farmer in the parable, I don’t know how this happens. It’s a mystery to me. Independent from us, God is working in powerful ways, and that is GOOD NEWS. These folks are “ripe” - ripe for community and ready for discipleship. It’s our responsibility to recognize the divine moment and encourage them in. 


God’s growth is beautiful wherever we are in our journey. 

I invite you to listen to the song “Waymaker” (“Abres Camino” in Spanish) and spend a moment in worship. The scripture reminds me of this part of the song:  

Aunque no pueda ver, estás obrando

Aunque no pueda ver, estás obrando

Siempre estás, siempre estás obrando

Siempre estás, siempre estás obrando​​​​​​​

Even when I don't feel it, You're working

Even when I don't feel it, You're working

You never stop, You never stop working

You never stop, You never stop working ​​​​​​​


Supper at Emmaus


Chapter 3: Can We Get Coffee?